Name | Type | Required | Example value | Description | Anmerkung |
| Yes* | SKU_12345 | The ID of the item. *One of | Widget ID |
| Yes* | Stan and Friends Tee | The name of the item. *One of | Title |
| No | Summer Sale | The name of the promotion associated with the item. If set, event-level |
| No | Google Store | A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location. Event-level and item-level | ?Shopnamen |
| No | SUMMER_FUN | The coupon name/code associated with the item. Event-level and item-level | Wird aus Session gelesen |
| No | USD | The currency, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format. If set, event-level Multiple currencies per event is not supported. Each item should set the same currency. | Wird aus Session gelesen |
| No | summer_banner2 | The name of the promotional creative. If set, event-level | wenn vorhanden Bild-DateinameBrauchen wir nicht |
| No | featured_app_1 | The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item. If set, event-level | Brauchen wir nicht |
| No | 2.22 | The monetary discount value associated with the item. | Keine eT360 FunktionJTL Rabattfunktion |
| No | 5 | The index/position of the item in a list. | ?Zählt einfach hoch |
| No | The brand of the item. | Wenn vorhanden (Produktslider, Hero-Produkt) | |
| No | Apparel | The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category. | Aus Breadcrumb |
| No | Adult | The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item. | Aus Breadcrumb |
| No | Shirts | The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item. | Aus Breadcrumb |
| No | Crew | The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item. | Aus Breadcrumb |
| No | Short sleeve | The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item. | Aus Breadcrumb |
| No | related_products | The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user. If set, event-level | ?Wird erstmal nicht benötigt |
| No | Related products | The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user. If set, event-level | Wird erstmal nicht benötigt |
| No | green | The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options. | -Erstmal nicht benötigt |
| No | L_12345 | The location associated with the item. It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used. If set, event-level | |
| No | 9.99 | The monetary price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter. | - |
| No | P_12345 | The ID of the promotion associated with the item. If set, event-level | |
| No | 1 | Item quantity. |